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LCV Statement on Biden Administration’s Updated WOTUS Rule

Aug 29, 2023

Washington D.C. — In response to the release of the Biden administration’s amended WOTUS rule to comply with the Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. EPA, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released the following statement from Deputy Legislative Director Madeleine Foote:

“The Supreme Court’s terrible decision in Sackett v. EPA has left the critical wetlands and other waters that our families depend on open to pollution and destruction. Unfortunately, the Biden administration was forced to amend their “waters of the United States” rule to reflect the Court’s disregard of science, the law, and basic commonsense to put the profits of polluters ahead of the health of our communities, especially Indigenous and other communities of color and low wealth communities disproportionately impacted by water pollution. Congress must take action to fix the damage done to our clean water protections and rein in and rebalance this extremist, out-of-control Court.”
